Epic Slide Show

Thursday, July 3, 2008

In Typical Taylor Fashion

To further validate that there is such a thing as soul-mates, the boys and I are waiting at home for Sharla to get home from the office before we can head out. She was just "stopping by for a minute", or so she said.

Our 12:00 deadline to leave has come and passed... so I have edited our deadline to now be 1:15. The good news is that I am none the worse for wear and feel really good. Everything stuffed into the Explorer nicely and we should be quite comfortable.

Albuquerque or Bust


kt said...

Better late than never! Can't wait to see everyone out here on the left coast.

Unknown said...

Dad said you're planned arrival time in Lincoln was a "soft" time. Now I understand what he meant.

Lisa said...

I'm very impressed you handled this well and that you're off enjoying a much deserved vacation!